Monday, January 3, 2011

1/3: bell hooks

I agree with bell hooks discussion and examples used of the perpetuation of a white-supremacist, capitalist patriarchy through the media of film, television and popular culture. In the case of OJ Simpson who was on trial for murder of his wife turned into a racially based media frenzy, completely ignoring domestic violence as the root cause of the murder. It quickly was turned into a racial issue by the media to attract attention from people of all different genders, races and classes that focused on a false story portrayed by popular culture outlets such as television, newspapers and magazines. To see black woman on the news cheering when OJ was found not guilty was devastating because their information channel of the media created a false sense of racial equality for blacks, instead of telling the truth of the story that was violence against women.

Power and privilege is sustained by the media in so many forceful and invisible ways. The media is a business that is most likely run by white men who are part of and promote the White-Supremacist, Capitalist Patriarchy (most large corporations and high level government positions are also run by white males). The OJ Simpson murder trial was a perfect portrayal of the male dominated society we live in. When bell hooks made the statement on Good Morning America about this being a case of male violence, above all, was brave and truthful. The media took this as an opportunity to strengthen inter racial bonds allowing the public to choose sides: white or black. How dare we even think to reach across races and understand that these are interlocking issues. It was received as a victory in the black community: the media usually villianized black men and loved to put them behind bars, and this didn't happen, so, a victory.  It was another way to distract people from the real and underlying structural issues of misogyny and sexism; and also racism because most people couldn't understand how this was all being controlled by The White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy.


  1. I agree with that fact that majority of media is probably run by white males. It is a scary thought, especially that majority of people who take the media information as fact are not thinking about who is regulating what is allowed to be said!

  2. Thoughts on Lady Gaga as the "new" Madonna...I do not have any first hand experiences listening, viewing or reading about anything Lady Gaga has contributed and influenced popular culture today. From what I have heard I would like to think that she identifies as a feminist ans has many of the obvious hope for equality among all people. Her career choice relies on the continuation of the entertainment industry and capitalism to sell her music and tickets at shows, magazine interviews, photo shoots, etc that are all so engrained into the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy
