Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Question G

I choose to discuss "The Girls Next Door" by Peter Landesman. This article I thought was very important to include in the discussion of the perpetuation of classism in our society today. Capitalism has had a major influence in creating these social classes and it is white men that who sit at the top, in control. Policemen, who are perceived to be authoritative figures who promote safety for all members in society have taken advantage of their position of power  "border agents and local policemen usually don't know trafficking when they see it. The operating assumption among American police departments is that woman who sell their bodies do so by choice..." This is the ruling idea that keeps women in an inferior position, yet when you look closer and break down the conditions that women in sex trafficking face we see that it is not a choice but rather a result of severe classism and misogyny. Capitalism is set up to benefit the privileged, those who are privileged construct systems to deprive people--and make money-- of lower class into conditions that we are also socialized to hate.

"With new Internet technology, pornography is becoming more pervasive. With Web cams we're seeing more live molestation of children." The combination of porn and the Internet has influenced the current state of society very much. The men in control use every medium they can to foster the sale and domination of women and girls. A sex worker who was held captive for a number of years, said "In America we had 'special jobs.' Oral sex, anal sex, often with many men. Sex is now more adventurous, harder." She said that she believed younger foreign girls were in demand in the U.S. because of an increased appetite for more aggressive, dangerous sex. --> This is a direct link to the effects of pornography! The current porn industry is getting more and more violent as the people consuming just become more and more numb.

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